
2017年减税和就业法案 (TCJA) introduced monumental tax reform for individual and business taxes. 而TCJA则广泛存在, 全面的税收影响, one area targeted in particular was the gift and estate tax lifetime exemption.

赠与税和遗产税终身免征允许个人在生前或死后赠予一定数额的税收. 在TCJA之前,终身免税的税基为500万美元,经通货膨胀调整后为500万美元.每年根据通货膨胀调整后的数据为600万美元.

在TCJA之后,同样的免税额翻了一番,达到11美元.每年按通货膨胀调整后为200万美元. 然而, 这只是一个临时的改变, and the increased lifetime exemption is set to expire on January 1, 2026. Any change to this expected sunset date requires an act of Congress.


那么,终身豁免的未来是怎样的呢? 正如前面提到的, 到2026年, the exemption reverts to its former base level of $5 million, 经通货膨胀调整.

美国国税局进一步澄清,一旦豁免恢复到500万美元,今后利用临时1000万美元基数的个人将不会受到处罚. 因此, 如果在2026年之前使用,个人可获得的豁免金额将是增加的豁免的全部金额,基数为1000万美元, 或者只有在2026年开始之后,基数为500万美元的减少免税额.

减少免税是一项将影响高净值个人的重大变化. 实际上,这意味着推迟 遗产和赠与税规划 是否会导致个人遗产中的数百万美元被征收高达40%的高税率. What a taxpayer does now matters not only to the estate, 也对纳税人的家人和亲人.


A colleague once described the estate and gift tax as an optional tax. 没有纳税人被要求支付这笔税,因为他们可以简单地把他们所有的资产都捐出去,直到他们达到终身免税,剩下的捐给慈善机构.

到2023年,终身免税额为12美元.9200万年. 请记住,这是一个人的金额,所以一对已婚夫妇的豁免总额为25美元.8400万年. 的 2023 annual gift tax exclusion amount increased to $17,000, 哪一笔钱可以自由地赠予另一个人而不产生税收后果. This amount will change in 2024, and similarly will be 经通货膨胀调整.

To fully take advantage of these high exemption amounts, 聘请一位知识渊博的房地产律师, 税务会计, 现在是估值专家.



  • 如果转移发生在纳税人的一生中, the transfer is subject to gift tax and Form 709 may be filed.
  • 在纳税人去世时保留, then the transfer is subject to estate tax and Form 706 may be filed.

赠与税和遗产税制度在个人层面上适用这些排除和豁免. 然而, married couples can combine their exemptions and exclusions.


仔细规划遗产税, a taxpayer must consider what he or she can give away during his or her lifetime. It is important to understand the taxability of gifts and the exemptions available. 这些异常有如下所示的层:

  • 不计入赠与税的馈赠包括:
    • 配偶如果是美国公民.S. 公民
    • A government entity, charity, or certain exempt organizations
    • Medical expenses paid directly to the medical establishment
    • 学费直接支付给教育机构
  • 一年一度的排斥 – For 2023, gifts up to $17,000 per person are not subject to gift taxes. Gifts up to this exclusion can be given to an infinite number of people at any time. 已婚夫妇可以平分礼物, 这意味着一对已婚夫妇可以有效地赠送34美元,每人000美元,每年除外.
  • 终身免 – 的 final exemption applied is 经通货膨胀调整 annually, but for 2023 it is $12.92M. 如前所述, 终身免税额暂时翻了一番, yet taxpayers can still take advantage of the larger credit before 2026 when it is lowered. 的 final regulations explain the calculation to arrive at the applicable exclusion, 适用于纳税人生前赠与的免税额,或适用于死亡当日的免税额,孰高者适用. 因此, the next few years are critical to estate planning.


At date of death, an estate is valued for the estate tax. 的 gross estate includes all property owned or controlled by the decedent, 包括个人, 有形的, 或者无形财产.

若干权益的估值, 如一个由少数人持股的企业或合伙企业, 可能很复杂, 这就是为什么可靠的估值团队至关重要吗. 此外, 在被继承人即将死亡或保留权益的情况下,某些转让可以包括在总遗产中,必须加以估价.

一旦确定了总遗产,就可以申请某些扣除额来获得应税遗产. 允许扣除的项目包括:

  • 婚姻扣除 – This is the value of any property passed to a surviving spouse. 记住, 这更多的是延期而不是完全扣除,因为除非转移,否则财产将包括在配偶的遗产中.
  • 慈善扣除 -从遗产转移到符合资格的慈善机构或免税组织的财产价值也允许扣除. Unlike the income tax system, there is no limit on the charitable deduction for an estate.
  • 州死亡税减免 – If there are any state taxes paid related to the decedent’s death, 他们是扣除联邦目的.
  • 债务 – A deduction for the debts owed by the decedent at the date of death is allowed.
  • 丧葬费 – Expenses related to a funeral paid by the estate are also deductible.

一旦总遗产被计算出来, 余下的终身豁免适用, 由此产生的价值就是应税遗产. 然后,根据第2001(c)节的统一税率表对应纳税遗产征税。, 很快就达到了40%.

这项工作可能还没有完成. 另定一个估值日期可能是有益的. 这将在财产分配之日起六个月内从遗产中出售或分配的任何财产进行估价. All remaining property is valued at the date six months after the date of death. 的 election can only be made if the gross estate is less than the date-of-death valuation.

赠与税和遗产税制度很复杂, 这就是为什么在LBMC,我们有一个专家团队与明升体育app下载估值部门合作,随时准备教育和帮助客户实现他们的遗产规划目标.

Strategic Valuation Techniques for Minimizing Gift and Estate 税es

Due to the gift and estate tax being applied to value rather than cost, an important strategy for lowering the taxes is to lower the taxable value of the transfers.

一个有效的策略可以在不降低标的资产的实际经济价值的情况下降低应税价值. 如果遗产包括私人商业实体, and a taxpayer plans to gift an interest in the entity, then the taxpayer will need to engage a valuation professional.

对于私营企业实体中的少数股权,有两种不同类型的众所周知的估值折扣, which include the discount for lack of control and the discount for lack of marketability.

A 少数民族的利益 is generally one that owns less than 51% of the governance rights in a business entity. 适用于少数股权的折扣直接降低了赠予股权的价值, 从而减少赠与人所使用的终身排除权.



缺乏控制的折扣适用于在业务实体内缺乏单方面决策能力的利益. 的 valuation professional will receive and analyze information from a management interview, 财务报表, 以及企业实体的管理文件. 的 agreement will define the rights for the ownership interest being valued. Items that can affect the discount for lack of control include:

  • 谁拥有管理控制权?
  • Who dictates both the timing and the amount of distributions?
  • Who is able to initiate the sale of all, or substantially all, of the business?
  • 谁有能力就企业出售进行谈判?
  • Who is able to determine the amount of debt that the business takes on?
  • 谁有投票权?
  • 谁没有投票权?
  • 谁可以强制要求追加资本?
  • Is there another owner(s) who can unilaterally block decisions of the interest?

当然, this is not an exhaustive list of considerations concerning the discount for lack of control. But each of these items gives significant weight to the discount for lack of control.


缺乏可销售性的折扣是一种认识,即私人公司的非控制性权益缺乏与在公开股票市场交易的公司股票相同的流动性或可销售性. 另外, 少数人持股的企业可以通过以下措施进一步限制可转让性:

  • 优先购买权;
  • Restrictions on admissibility of members/partners; and
  • 允许转让的限制.

再次,这不是一个详尽的清单,考虑到缺乏适销性的折扣项目. 由于缺乏控制而产生的折扣和由于缺乏适销性而产生的折扣可能相差很大,但可以使应税转让的价值减少多达40%. Given these discounts result in a significant reduction in value, 因此, 所缴纳的全部税款, it is important to have a reputable valuation professional completing the work.

2026年1月1日即将到来. 赠与和遗产律师, 税务顾问和估值专业人士正在努力工作,试图跟上当前的需求.

如有任何有关遗产或 财富规划,请联系 LBMC的财富顾问’ team, and we can help build a strategy that will work best for you and your family.

内容由LBMC估值专业人士提供, 杰西卡·巴雷特、CPA、ABV、CFE、LBMC税务专业人士; 谢尔比Follis,注册会计师.

LBMC为客户和本所的朋友提供税务信息和教育服务. 该沟通是高级别的,不应被视为采取任何具体行动的法律或税务建议. 个人在作出任何税务或法律相关决定之前,应咨询其个人税务或法律顾问. 除了, the information and data presented are based on sources believed to be reliable, but we do not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. 的 information is current as of the date indicated and is subject to change without notice.